-In art, we consider lines as paths of action
-they are a continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point
-implies action since it takes movement to make a line
-can lead the eyes into, around, and out of visual images in a work of art
Characters of Lines
-can be active, static, aggressive or passive
-indicates directions
-define boundaries of shapes and spaces
Kinds of Lines
1. Horizontal Lines
-run parallel to the ground
-line of rest and quiet contemplation
2. Vertical Lines
-move up nd down
-the line of potential dignity and strength
-poised; balanced, forceful, dynamic, assertive
3. Diagonal Lines
-somewhere between vertical and horizontal
-Lines of movement and action
-make viewer feel tense and uncomfortable, because they appear to be rising or falling (except when they meet at a single point)
4. Curve Lines
-change direction gradually
-the line of action and life and energy; neither harsh nor stern
-movement of grace; freely flowing
5. Zigzag Lines
-create confusion
-suggest nervous excitement
6. Axis Line
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